Category: Science and Nature

Fire Data – California and beyond

We lived thru, and self-evacuated from, the 208k acre Cedar Fire in 2003 and the 248k acre Witch Fire in 2007 in San Diego county, with an asthmatic child. The most petrifying part was being unable to access any data regarding fire location and spread. We were expected to sit by our phones and evacuate when (and if) the call...

Origins of SARS-CoV-2

Researchers pinpoint multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2 Jonathan E. Pekar, a doctoral student in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology who co-led the project with Wertheim and is lead author, said the pandemic was likely looming for years, awaiting only for the opportunity when humans would come into contact with an animal host capable of transmitting the virus. “Everything complicated happened before...

Existential Crisis

“Space is just too big. The area of the sky you see in the picture above is about the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length. Those aren’t individual stars or solar systems in the picture—those are galaxies, each with billions of stars and billions of planets. One billion grains of sand would weigh around 11 tons. And...

Ever Green: Saving Big Forests to save the Planet

Just listened to a very compelling Smithsonian presentation by John Reid. Look for other opportunities to intersect with his speaking tour! Book just published in March. “Clear, provocative, and persuasive, Ever Green is an inspiring call to action to conserve Earth’s irreplaceable wild woods, counteract climate change, and save the planet. Five stunningly large forests remain on Earth: the Taiga,...

Gobekli Tepe site predates 4000 yr old Stonehenge by 6000 years (Turkey) “But, Peters and Schmidt say, Gobekli Tepe’s builders were on the verge of a major change in how they lived, thanks to an environment that held the raw materials for farming. “They had wild sheep, wild grains that could be domesticated—and the people with the potential to do it,” Schmidt says. In fact, research at other sites in the...


“The Pine Grosbeak encounter was magically different. That young male and I whistled back and forth before we saw each other, and after we made eye contact, still whistling back and forth, he kept coming closer while looking directly at me. When he finally alighted on my hand, still looking into my eyes, he lingered for what seemed like an...

The Great Loop

I have to admit that I knew virtually nothing about the United States east of Las Vegas. YouTube has opened up visibility to things I’d never laid eyes on. Our love of locks (don’t laugh) led us to the Keokuk Lock and Dam in Iowa on the mighty Mississip, which has a wonderful live Webcam often with up to 500...

YouTube/Boats – Mississippi & Great Lakes

StreamTimeLIVE channel hosts these interesting live cams: Mississippi River Lock & Dam 19, Keokuk, IA, USA – frequent tow barges thru what was the largest electricity generating plant in the US when it was built in 1913. Barges pass thru all the way up until ~midnight PST, good for west-coast watchers. Great Lakes: Ship Cam – Port Huron, Michigan USA...

YouTube Pets

We finally saw Itchy the Hedgehog tonight. At least i think that’s his name, something must live in Itchy’s hut. He eats in the early morning only. And the badger came out to eat the corn strewn on the ground. The deer were also out. A tiny flying squirrel came out too. His body was so tiny, I only spied...

In the News 2021/08/04

– Can we stop beating up Simone Biles now? – Before the NY AG report, Andrew Cuomo long claimed to be a champion against sexual harassment and attacked GOP politicians for staying silent – Russian officials to investigate possible consequences to flipping space station “This seems ripe for conspiracy theories. This is Russia’s last piece before they...

Live Webcams – List

Running list of my favorite LIVE webcams! (Note: exact channel names not given. Recommend you create a YouTube account and start saving to your playlist today!) UGH – I see that live webcams frequently change URLs. Please use the links to then find the channel so you can find the feeds again. Argghhh!! Live port of Miami (especially for cruise ship...

Live webcams of the World

A few interesting live webcams of the world. But as you and I know, this barely scratches the surface of live Webcam-ery on YouTube… (NOTE: Live Webcams periodically restart with new URLs so best to visit the home Channel to find the current links). Live Tour Around the World Webcams – with Lite Jazz Music (Boston and Maine Live) )....

Mysterious Physics of a Black Hole “However, what was lacking was insight into the process behind the powerful twin jets produced by the black hole gobbling up matter, ejecting a portion of the material falling into it away at nearly light speed. (The black hole at the center of our Milky Way is less ravenous, i.e., relatively quiet, compared to M87’s black hole.) For example,...