ANA Flying Honu re-debuts in Hawaii market

The Flying Honu, which inaugurated service in 2019 (doesn’t that seem so long ago?) has resumed service to Hawaii! But travel from Japan has still not rebounded fully as the Star Advertiser reports:

“While the U.S. travel market to Hawaii has surpassed 2019 levels for the past 13 months, travelers from Japan in May were still 93.7% below the visitor arrivals count in May 2019. Historically, Japan has been Hawaii’s top international market. More than 1.5 million visitors came to Hawaii from Japan in 2019 and spent more than $2 billion. There were 89 scheduled flights from Japan with 20,509 seats in May, compared with 641 scheduled flights with 161,248 seats in May 2019.”

Some great photos from the 2019 launch at The A380 is such a beast!

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