Monthly Archive: May 2017

Strawberry season

It’s almost strawberry season. Prices are starting to drop as the berries get riper and riper. Mr A, who is a roadside strawberry fanatic, paid less than $1/lb last week. Can you beat that?

Costco Pizza

Yes, it is still possible to create great food from fresh ingredients without it costing a fortune. Or is it just subsidized?

How to make a quilt

First, either make or otherwise acquire a completed quilt top. EBay is a great place to find vintage quilt tops. The next step is create the quilt sandwich if backing, batting, and quilt top. First choose a color that contrasts with the border. Skip the patterns – stick with solids or near solids – you are not competing with the...

CDD Korean (Zion Supermarket, Kearney Mesa)

Twas  a cold and rainy night, perfect for spicy tofu soup. Only tonight Mr A ordered spicy level 3 (one level down from max 4 chilis). 3 chilis doesn’t sound THAT hot, does it? Well… It was. I couldn’t take more than four mouthfuls. And we eat a lot of spicy food. The bulgogi was not good tonight either. Tough...